Friday, June 26, 2009

Still No Baby!

Waiting, and wishing, and hoping, and praying! So yesterday I went to the Doctor and they tell me there are actually none of my Doctors in so do you care to see this other Doctor! Um, yeah what else am I gonna do. So she asks me if I would like to be induced and I said yes but she couldn't actually schedule it until I see one of my own Doctors. She said I was only at like 1/2 centimeters and that she would strip my membranes a little bit. Then I had to make a Doctors appointment for the next day to ask one of my doctors if I can be induced! Sheesh! I was a little cramped up all day yesterday and we went and saw Transformers 2 (Pretty Sweet I must say) but I was having pretty strong contractions during the whole movie and we had really annoying people all around us! Hate that when it happens! The kid sitting just to the right of me munched down two full Large buckets of popcorn! YUCK! Anyway so strong contractions but they went away by the time I got home and went to bed. Today at the Doctor we waited in the waiting room for about an hour. The Doctor checked me today and I am now at 2 centimeters. Not knowing the Doc yesterday had stripped my membranes he does it again - Men aren't as gentle - OUCH!!!!! So If nothing happens in the mean time I am scheduled to be induced on Tuesday, June 30th, at 7:30 a.m. Hopefully my next post will be about our new arrival! Wish me luck!


  1. hey hope he comes soon good luck getting induced is the pit lol good luck

  2. good luck cant wait to se your lil one
