Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ninja Shaydon!

Shwah Shwah!

Shaydon wants everyone to know how much he loves Ninja Turtles!


  1. Love the bathroom, Nik. Hope you are feeling better. I told Clint to tell you hello. How was the cabin? We had a good time up there a couple of weeks before you guys were going up. Let me know how things are. I am glad you have a blog :)

  2. oh, he is too cute!! we need to get together so we can hang out and our little ones can play! do you know what you're having?

  3. Hey i'm happy you let us know about your blog! Shaydon is so cute! I can't believe how big he is. And Congrats on your new news! We're so excited for you guys. Hopefully we can get together with you guys sometime when we come to rexburg!

  4. Hey babe, I am so excited you found our blog, i was just thinking about you,i have not talked to you in such a long time. I still have the pictures you sent me of Shaydon when he was a baby. And now he is so grown up and beautiful! You are such a cute mom!
