Sunday, August 23, 2009

First Two Months of Asher!

So Asher is already almost 2 months old! I'm so amazed at how the time flies! He started cooing and smiling at about 6 weeks and now if I tickle his collar bone he giggles! So adorable! We love this little guy so much! He is such a good natured little baby, last night he only woke up once, THANK YOU! And unfortunately he has already began teething! He has a toothe coming in on the bottom. I myself started teething at two month and Shaydon already had a full set of teethe by the time he was 5 months old. So I'm sure little Asher will be the same! So overall we are loving life with our family of four!


  1. wow its already been two months. he is so stinkin adoreable!!! He's already giggling?? thats so cute!!!

  2. Nikki he is such a doll! Ceanna and I miss Dance addiction! :0(

  3. He is so cute! I can't wait til we can all get together with our babies! By the way.. I really love your little beanies you make. You are super talented! I will probably have to buy a few for Kaleigh because they are so stinking cute! So our blog is private now, but if you would like to read it just email me your email and I can send you an invite.
